Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A weekend at the Lake

What a nice getaway we had in August when we visited Aunt Gail and Uncle Dennis in Alabama. The kids enjoyed one of their favorite past times swimmming. We have a entire school of fish in our family! We also tried our hand at tubing. However, the highlight had to be Matt's first kill, a HUGE squirrel. Thank you Uncle Dennis for helping us make some memories!

Catching Up- Summer Fun

Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow 2010

Middle Tn is being blanketed with 5"+ inches of snow over the next 24 hours. Time for some snowballs!! The kids even got to go sledding TN style with our neighbors. We followed it up with some hot cocoa to defrost!

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year

Happy New Year!! We enjoyed a wonderful visit with the Mowbray family for New Year's Day. Those of our Gtmo friends will never forget our time with Chaps, Shelly and the Girls. We feel so blessed that their families are only a few hours from us which means they can't come through TN without stopping to see us!! Today, January 7th the kids are enjoying the BIG SNOWFALL we are receiving which has closed schools. I know those of you north of us with get a big laugh at the thought of everything closing down!!
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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Season

With a wonderful and eventful Thanksgiving behind us we are enjoying a busy holiday season in our new home. We were blessed with a visit from Pop and Grandma Kathie and the Thompson family over Thanksgiving weekend. Followed close behind by a visit from the Swopes. It was so nice to see family and our Gitmo friends (who might as well be family!!) Most of the boxes are unpacked, but I have to admit some things were put away a bit hastily. It will be one of my New Year's resolutions to get it all sorted out. Meanwhile, the tree trimming traditions and shopping abound. We were out and about today for about 6 hours and I don't remember it being so chaotic-people everywhere, traffic, crying kids. It seems 4 years of internet shopping warped my memory!! We are trying to focus our attention on the real gift of Christmas our Savior Jesus and have been visiting different churches in the area. There are many to choose from and we are seeking the Lord's guidance in finding our new church home. Hope you all remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting Settled In

This room use to be bright red with lots of white metal shelving attached to the walls. Mark spent a week painting and putting up the wainscoting. Not too shabby for a first time do it your self job!!

It has been such a long time since I've posted. We are still alive and trying our best to get settled in our new home. Most of the boxes are unpacked and it is beginning to feel like our home. Our biggest adjustment so far is the weather. We have been fighting off head colds for over 4 weeks. I finally broke down yesterday and went to the doctor where I received a shot of antibiotics. I have never been so happy to get a shot! I am tired of being sick. So far we love the area and find the people here to be very friendly and willing to help in any way possible. We are expecting family in town for Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing some friends coming through from Gitmo. We have so much to be THANKFUL for this year. Mark is loving his new job and is thanking God daily for bringing him into a relaxed and encouraging job environment. The kids are adjusting to stateside life and settling into a bit of routine. However, our conversations often return to "remember in Gitmo when.....". We will always cherish our time on island and the many friends we made through the years.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Camping in SC

We have made it to South Carolina for Mark's outprocessing. We are hanging out in our new (used) travel trailer that is 25ft. when extended. To say the least, it is an adventure with 6 of us trying to shuffle around. It has been rainy and cold (to us) and we have been very blessed by our friends here who have fed us and allowed us to hang out in their dry homes. It is such an encouragement to us to see our Metro family and join them in worship. We are definitely already missing those sunny Gitmo days!! Please pray for our continuted patience and for those of us feeling under the weather. The kids and I will be taking off next week for TN to close on the house.