For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
From Him All Blessings Flow
Friday, August 29, 2008
TA Has Arrived !!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
All Talk and No Action
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Saying Goodbye to a Faithful Friend
Monday, August 25, 2008
Still Waiting for Travel Approval
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Update on Joy
- She is doing wonderful and there has been no change to her nevus. She is healthy! Praise God!
- She is not only walking unassisted, but she is running (running everywhere)- She is currently 16 months old so she is right on target.
- She is still on a bottle and eats 5 times a day.
- She has a 2 hour afternoon nap and usually goes to bed around 9:30 pm
- "She is very cute and the nannies all love her and she enjoys being the center of attention"
- She currently weighs about 19.8 lbs. and is just over 29 inches tall.
- She is not in foster care and lives in the orphanage
We did not receive any updated pictures, but we are still overjoyed to know that she is doing so well and being taken care of in a loving manner. We are even more in love with her than ever and can't leave to bring her home soon enough. Andrew tells everyone he meets that his Mei Mei Joy (little sister in Chinese) is coming home very soon. He then names all the things he is going to show her how to do. He is also very excited that she likes his favorite food - RICE!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Much Needed Rain
Tropical Storm Fay is bringing some much needed rain our way. We had some gusts last night which created quite the howling effect bringing with it a steady rain. Other than the usual wind damage like a few broken branches, all is well. To illustrate our need for rain, here is what greeted Matt as he tried to go out the front door a few days ago. Our friendly neighborhood iguana was up in our flower bed trying to drink from the hose which is about 1 foot away from the door opening. To say the least, Matt was startled as these creatures rarely come that close to people or our homes. Of course, we realized he must be in real need of water to come so close so we moved the end of the hose and turned it on for him. He was very appreciative and gave us the customary nod of approval. A memorable tropical moment!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Speaking of the trip, please be in prayer for us to get off the island in a timely manner, travel mercies (We will need them with the long flights and a new baby.), our health in China and that our kids remain safe while we are gone.
Monday, August 11, 2008
DDG-99 USS Farragut
It's A Girl !!
- She is currently residing in Guiping City SWI, Guangxi PRC
- At 8 months old (12/07) weight: 16.5 lbs. clothed
- Walking along the furniture, standing, sitting
- She sleeps well
- The nannies describe her as "spoiled" which we understand to mean she is strong willed (She should fit right in!)
- She enjoys music and noise
- She has "bright eyes" and babbles often
We are overjoyed that the Lord has seen fit to allow us to bring such a special little girl into our family! We sit in awe of the many mountains the Lord has moved, special people he has brought into our lives, the hundreds of prayers he has answered and the perfection of his timing and provision to bring about this adoption. We serve a Mighty and Loving God!! Praise Him!