Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We decided to post this map to show everyone exactly where we will be going on our upcoming trip. We will be travelling to three different cities while in China. First, we will arrive in Beijing and spend approximately 3 days there. Next, we head to Nanning, Guangxi (look South on the map near Vietnam) where we will meet Joy for the first time. She will be brought from Guiping City with the Director of the orphanage and a nanny. Finally, we hop over to Guangzhou to visit the American Consulate and obtain her visa. Our trip will be approximately 15 days. We will post more on our itinerary when we receive it.

Speaking of the trip, please be in prayer for us to get off the island in a timely manner, travel mercies (We will need them with the long flights and a new baby.), our health in China and that our kids remain safe while we are gone.


ForTheLoveOfOrphans said...

I love you blog so far!
So nice to see pictures of you and your family!
I sure love the name you chose for your baby. I'm sure her name will describe the feeling she gives all of you in just a few short weeks.
You'll be in our prayers!

love, Angie Hendren

Cheryl said...

I love the blog! Looking forward to reading it often. Love ya

Unknown said...

Dear Ivey's,
Congratulations and thank you for sharing this experience. You and your growning family will be in our thoughts in prayers.

Blake, Julie, Olivia and Ava Ellis

Amy said...

Yea!!! you finally got a blog. Now you need to join facebook or myspace...I have found so many longtime friends on there. Keep posting I will check often.. Amy

Elise said...

We will all be praying for your journey! Love ya...

Aunt Elise <><