We were able to begin school on Tuesday and I think everyone is glad to be back into our routine. Joy is sleeping 11 hours every night and taking a morning (1 hour) and a 2 hour afternoon nap. Her tastes have expanded to include steak, apples, grapes and yogurt. No worries here, now when she sees food she begins to screech. This was a little problem when we went out to dinner for Mark's birthday on Tuesday. Yes, he is getting closer to the big 4-0 turning 38 this year!! I love you Honey!! I don't think eating out is in the plans again anytime soon. Joy experienced the pool for the first time yesterday and really enjoyed herself. Mark has been busy getting Joy into the military system and next week will see the doctor officially to begin her shots and bloodwork.
I'm so glad she is adapting well. Love the pics. Happy Belated Birthday, Mark. Love you!!!!
I know you are all happy to be home and settling in to a 'normal' routine, (if there is such a thing)
Don't worry about Joy screeching for food when out in public, some of the males in the Ivey family also exhibit this behaviour. LOL
Happy Birthday Old Man!!!
Love and Prayers
Too funny. I had a mental picture of both of you asking- no begging- her to quiet down! LOL
It's nice to know your settling in and being able to juggle your life in Cuba. Have I mentioned how weird it is to see you in bathing suits while I have a fire going, Yankee candles burning, potato cheese soup simmering on the oven top? Yeah. Weird.
I love the outfits by the way. I want to see everyone in them for your Christmas picture!!!
I love and miss you all, as always.
Happy Birthday Mark!! Take it from Bob- enjoy your last few years in your thirties. ;o)
Soon you'll be: an oldie but a goodie! hehehehehee...
Happy Birthday (a bit belated), Mark! Glad to see you all settling in.
Do you all have that list of our group? If you get a chance to e-mail it, that would be great. I never got the other e-mails you said you sent, so I'm wondering if you have my address right (jilljhortonp)--don't forget the j!
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