Merry Christmas! We have been busy elves the last few days preparing for the Birth of Our Savior Jesus by helping to spread His love through our Chapel ministry Operation Cookie Drop. We baked cookies and help to stuff stocking for our unaccompanied and deployed active duty members and the national staff here on base. (Pics to above) We attended a beautiful Christmas Eve service last night, I think our best since moving here and ate our traditional Christmas Eve meal of
Chinese food. Stateside, it would be take-out, but here it was the homemade version. This morning the kids woke Dad as the 12 Drummers Drumming (Dad's final gift of his 12 days of Christmas) at 6:45 a.m. As the morning progressed we opened gifts, ate our
traditional Christmas breakfast casserole while we discussed our Greatest Gift- JESUS. Finally, we enjoyed a lazy afternoon opening boxes. Turkey dinner and birthday cake round out the evening. Joy has enjoyed her first Christmas and we count her addition to our family as our greatest present this year.
To all our family and friends scattered throughout the world- We wish you the love of the Lord on this special day. Merry Christmas!

We can't wait!!

A little overwhelming perhaps!

Our knight in shining armor!

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