Sunday, June 21, 2009

VBS at Crocodile Dock

We just completed a inspiring, God-filled week of Vacation Bible School. I wish I had better pictures, but I was the Crawfish Crafts and Missions leader and didn't make it out of my room much to take pictures. Andrew participated in the Preschool program and as you can tell had a great time. God is With Us-FEAR NOT!!

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1 comment:

Jill Horton said...

Just had some fun catching up with you all on the blog! Sounds like everything is going great! I'm wondering about the Georges (lost their e-mail) and they haven't posted in a long time. BTW--I think Elizabeth and Pierce did the same VBS. She has the same Crocodile Dock shirt. It was a blast! Any chance you will still end up in SC?