Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Season

With a wonderful and eventful Thanksgiving behind us we are enjoying a busy holiday season in our new home. We were blessed with a visit from Pop and Grandma Kathie and the Thompson family over Thanksgiving weekend. Followed close behind by a visit from the Swopes. It was so nice to see family and our Gitmo friends (who might as well be family!!) Most of the boxes are unpacked, but I have to admit some things were put away a bit hastily. It will be one of my New Year's resolutions to get it all sorted out. Meanwhile, the tree trimming traditions and shopping abound. We were out and about today for about 6 hours and I don't remember it being so chaotic-people everywhere, traffic, crying kids. It seems 4 years of internet shopping warped my memory!! We are trying to focus our attention on the real gift of Christmas our Savior Jesus and have been visiting different churches in the area. There are many to choose from and we are seeking the Lord's guidance in finding our new church home. Hope you all remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!
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