Just imagine being on board a hot, old plane with people who find it necessary to smoke in the bathroom during the flight- that was our flight to Nanning this morning. It took a little over 3 hours to land in what we are calling real china. "Mark we are not in Beijing anymore." Despite the less than ideal flight we couldn't help but cherish each glimpse of our daughter's province. The skies here are very smoggy, but the beauty of the lush mountains and farmlands was still evident as we descended into Nanning. After the modernness and we have to say beauty of Beijing, Nanning sits in contrast. It is a city of 6.5 million and no matter which way you look there are people, lots and lots of people. Already in our short time here, we have noticed differences in the stature and build of the inhabitants. The women are very, very petite which would fit in with Joy's measurements. Speaking of our sweet girl, we were told that we will not be meeting her until 3:30pm tomorrow. Which will be 3:30 am Monday morning for all of you. We were a bit disappointed, but still sooooooooooo excited. I will be busy unpacking and then packing the diaper bag for the big day tomorrow. I took a few pics of our hotel here in Nanning. It is four star here, but would be 2 star in the states.
praying for you - daily - hourly....sharing in your joy
the puchners
As I was reading this I realized it is 8:30am Monday Morning for you. Which means you are up and awaiting going to the orphanage. I cannot imagine what is going though your head right now. I am so excited for you. Thanks for posting this and letting us be apart of this time in your life... It is so cool. I will say a prayer tonight. ( I will be sound asleep when you meet you Joy Elizabeth) Love you guys....
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