This afternoon we will be going to the US Consulate to pick up Joy's visa. Yeah! Our journey of adoption is near its end. Joy is coming out of her shell more every day and is smiling often. We really can not imagine our family without her. It is so hard to explain the plethra of emotions we have felt over the last 12 days. All we can say is that we serve an awesome God who has blessed us once again with the gift of a child. We can't wait for you all to meet her. Our bags are packed and we are counting the hours until takeoff. We will miss the dear friends we have made in our group and look forward to hearing in the future how everyone adapts once we arrive home. We feel so blessed to have shared this journey with each one of them!! Please pray for our safe arrival to the states and for patience with Joy on our lap for the trip!
Her excitement and easy-going personality can be seen on the pictures. I love all her smiles. It's got to be incredible to be given such a gift (Joy).
I can't wait to hear all your stories! Travel safe and try to keep your sanity on the plan- bring food!
The Puchners
What a happy girl!!! Little does she know how happy her life will be because of the family she now has. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your journey and got tears in my eyes when I saw her in your arms. I can't wait to see the photos of her with her new brothers and sister. I only hope we get the chance to meet up to see you all. Take care and happy travels. Much love !! Kelli
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