Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Plagued by Pleurisy

For those of you who know us well, you know we couldn't start our trip without some sort of excitement. Mark began complaining on Sunday of pain on his right side. It progressively worsened during our drive to Atlanta and after much convincing he went to the ER where he was pampered and then diagnosed with pleurisy. This is actually a good thing, as we initially thought it might be his gall bladder. Thus, we will be heading to China in the morning with Mark and his gimpy lung. Please pray for his healing and for pain relief. They gave him a prescription for a pain killer, but he is reluctant to fill it. I am sure this is the first of several adventures we will be having on this trip!! Oh, just in case you are wondering -I have his permission to post these photos!


Jenny said...

We will be praying for your safe travels and for Mark's condition. We also pray for this beautiful time in your family as you grow in love by bringing Joy home. I am thinking of all of you during this time and can't wait to see all the excitement on the blog. I will be in touch with our news late Thursday. Much love and may God continue to bless you all, Jenny

beewee said...

Guess Mark wasn't getting enough attention. Hee, Hee. Hope you heal quickly Mark, so you can enjoy the trip to China and holding your new daughter. Hope she makes the transition well to her new family.
We are all so excited for all of you, as you start this new chapter in your life and wish you all of God's blessings for your safe travel, everyone's health and your safe reunion with the whole family. I know Matthew, Grace and Andrew will be anxious for your return with their new sister. God speed. Hope we will get to see all of you, upon your return and meet Joy. If there isn't enough time, then we certainly understand. There will be lots to do and family to see. Love to all of you.
Momma & Dad Bunn

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I had a sudden though today that I hadn't checked your site in a while and it would be a good idea to see how your trip was unfolding. I never expected to see Mark in a wheel chair. Let Mark know we are praying for him to arrive safely (as well as you.) I know your giddy with excitement, sick with stress and busy keeping track of all the details; trying to think a step ahead of the path in hopes to smooth the trip.
Don't forget to breathe. Jess