Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Joy is grieving and crying a lot so I will make it short. I am dreaming of mashed potatoes, carrots, green beans and anything else home cooked! Mark is doing fine with the food and really likes roast duck. We went to a museum of sorts today that was suppose to teach us about the minorities of the area. We bought a few items for Joy to remember the province she was born in.

1 comment:

JABster said...

Oh my gosh, she is just beautiful. And look at all that hair! I am officially jealous that you have a child who will wear a hat for more than 2 seconds. None of mine ever did, including the new addition.

Jon Wiley has done his fair share of emotional adjustment, too. As hard as grieving is, it is a sign that she is emotionally healthy and will attach well. I know you know that. Aren't you so glad this is not your first child? It makes it easier, somehow.

Hang in there. See you in Guangzhou!
Jolie, Scott, Eiley, Mia, Devyn, and Jon Wiley